1 Jan 2024
Launch of Association of Cardiothoracic Transplant Intensivists - a UK wide collaboration with all adult cardiothoracic centres to improve education and standardise care
Our very own Clara Hernandez Caballero has launched a new UK wide association of cardiothoracic transplant intensivists.
ACCTI is a national association of intensivists specialised in the care of adult patients requiring or receiving heart and/or lung transplantation. It is comprised of specialists in intensive care medicine from the 6 centres performing cardiothoracic transplantation in the adult population in the UK:
Freeman Hospital, Newcastle
Golden Jubilee National Hospital, Glasgow
Harefield Hospital, London
Royal Papworth Hospital, Cambridge
Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham
Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester
The goals of the organisation are to:
Creating a network of intensivists specialised in cardiothoracic transplantation that can share experiences and knowledge
Producing high quality learning materials. These will include regular educational events on topics relating to the care of the critically ill patient undergoing cardiothoracic transplantation and cased-based discussions on challenging cases with the participation of representatives from all centres.
Enhance and standardise care across cardiothoracic transplant intensive care units in the UK by sharing knowledge and creating consensus documents describing the care of critically ill patients before and after cardiothoracic transplantation
See the recordings at the fantastic Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia Partnership: ACTTI | CAP (cardiothoracicanaesthesia.com)
Follow the ACCTI team on twitter to hear about all the upcoming educational courses: