1 Nov 2023
The MLS team have been spreading our learning across borders over the last months in Wales, Canada, Hungary and Italy
The Mechanical Life Support Team, represented by Emanuele Gerlando and Dr Eftychia Galiatsou, have been invited to the Hospitalist and Resuscitation Conference in Montreal, Canada to deliver a full MLS Course for the candidates of the conference.
Thanks to the behind the scene organisation and coordination between London and Montreal, for the past few months, the course was extremely successful. The candidates, all from different background within the intensive care fields, have enjoyed learning the MLS protocols and practicing technical skills on mechanical devices like Impella, LVAD and ECMO.
This was the first time the MLS Team delivered one of their full courses outside the UK and the success of this event, might be the beginning of even more collaborations in the future for the team!
The team ran Impella training at University Hospitals of Wales and LVAD trianing at the MSc Perfusion course in Bristol.
Dr Ana Huratado presented our expeirence and learning at the annual EACTAIC Congress 2024 in Budapest.
There was also time to join the faculty at the excellent INTUBATIEM ECPR course in Italy!